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Albany, Oregon, United States

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week Ten Forum



  1. Learn how the heck to use my camera- I think I partially succeeded in this. I certainly learned a whole bunch about ISO, white balance and using my flash as well as shutter speeds. I still have a bunch to learn though.
  2. Learn how to take beautiful news story photos- I think I made improvements! I don't think I'm quite at the beautiful level but I'm getting there!
  3. Gain confidence in photographing strangers- I did this! My photostory only consisted of one person I knew!
Keep- Rob because he's awesome and great at what he does. Keep doing photographer of the week because I think it's so interesting and helped me find inspiration!

Stop- Maybe one day I'll come back to this.

Start- It'd be really cool if we spent time in class discussing more camera settings. I know this isn't a photography class but I think it'd help a lot!



The Story of Hands

Sharron "Rosemary" Mackenzie is 68 years of age and is a resident of the Lindenwood Apartments. Her nickname is Rosemary because at one point in her life she lived in Connecticut on ten acres of land. She produced many herbs and sold them on to the locals, earning her the name Rosemary. She calls herself an Alum Bum because she is a graduate from Oregon State University but is now retired.  She spends her days checking out what goes on around the Linn Benton campus. She moved to the area again after living in California because her apartment complex owners got sued for filing background checks. She refers to her hands as kitty paws.

Justin Herry is a Linn Benton Community College student in the Welding and Fabrication Technology program. This is his first year. He enjoys the classes and likes how hands on things are.

Starting from the hands on the left moving clockwise: 
Maresa Epperson has been working at the on campus coffee shop for a term (four months). She is dually enrolled in Linn Benton and Oregon State University. She's studying exercise and sports science and one day hopes to be a Physical Therapist. She likes Linn Benton better because it saves her a lot of money on her general education credits.
Tonya Johnson has been working at the coffee shop for 2 years but has only been a full time Linn Benton student for two years. She's studying social science and one day aspires to be a drug and alcohol counselor or "something along those lines".
Taylor Borntreger has been managing Hot Shots Cafe for only four months. She is seeking an associates in business and  one day aspires to own her own wedding planning business. She has been a Linn Benton student for three years.

Randi Harney is 18 and a full time cosmetology student at the Aveda Institute of Portland. She one day aspires to be a makeup artist for celebrities and plans on moving to California after school to pursue her career.  She is one third of her way through her schooling and will graduate in November of 2015. She has gone through a haircutting phase, chemicals phase and is now in her esthetician phase where she will learn how to do waxing and facials.   

Sunday, November 30, 2014



I don't believe this term will be the end of my photojournalism career. I really enjoyed taking photos and I actually have discovered a great love for photography and I want to further my skills so I'm thinking about taking a photography class soon. I want to become better at taking photos in low light and learn some creative angles. I also plan on seeking a career in journalism so I don't think my camera will ever be too far away from me. The only con I can think of would be that I have to spend more money and time on these classes but it'll be really useful for me in the end!
I think what I'd like to do next is find some videos on how to work a Nikon camera. My camera has thrown me through so many loops this term and has frustrated me almost as much as it has produced beautiful photos. I think if I can figure out some settings first, I'll be on the right track to taking amazing photos. I plan on doing so by googling it during my winter break and asking my dad for help since he's the one that gifted me the camera and he knows how to work them well.


Sebastiao Salgado made one of the biggest impressions on me. I love his work. His photos are breath taking and don't even need color to stand out because he captures the subject so well. He captures detail so well. The best of his photos are those of the expressions of people. The expression on peoples faces explain situations so well and his black and white mug shots are perfect. They seem so easy but it's not at all.
I could use his techniques of black and white photography. I love black and white but I'd love to be able to understand it more to create more shadows and highlights, I want to use his attention to detail and amazing focus in my own photography. I want to capture expression like he does.


1. For me, the single most important photojournalism innovation has been the invention of the digital camera. More specifically, I think the most important part of the digital camera is the little preview screen. If the digital camera were to be made without that little screen, we would have no way of previewing our photo. I feel like this was a huge game changer because all of a sudden, photographers could adjust their image settings to come up with the perfect photo. It no longer became a guessing game. I know this little invention saves my life every time I have a photo assignment because I'll have my settings way too high or too low and forget. I would probably never get any decent photos without it.

2. The photojournalist I believe that stands above all other photojournalists is Ron Haviv not only because he's been Emmy nominated or has won multiple awards but because he captures amazing photos. He has covered many wars around the world and shines light on so many crazy scenarios. He raises awareness of conflicts and human rights issues from around the world. His photography shows the necessity for good photojournalism. A photo sometimes can speak and get its point across so much better than words ever could and his work encapsulates this.

Some of his work:

 Ron Haviv-Photojournalist-Photographer: Children of Darfur - Daily life at a camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in Selia, West Darfur, Sudan. © Ron Haviv - VII

Ron Haviv-Photojournalist-Photographer: Haiti: January 12, 2010 - Haitians after the earthquake that devastated much of the capital city of Port au Prince. © Ron Haviv - VII



Anyone and everyone!


Hands- I have been obsessed with the photostory we looked at in class where the photographer too pictures solely of peoples hands that worked in different proffesions and I've been thinking about it ever since. I'd love to recreate this idea.


Between now and the due date!


Everywhere but hopefully in the environment that makes the hands what they are!


By total charisma and skill of making new friends. People are a bit more shy to have pictures taken of their face but hopefully not of their hands!


For a medium shot, I hope to have someone holding their hands out far out but still covering their face with a close up of their hands but their face in the foreground. It'd be nice if it was an environment photo as well.


That'll be what most of my photos are! Close ups of lots of different hands!


I could maybe sneak in an overall of a bunch of different people holding up their hands in front of their faces, making their hands their 'identity'.


Close up of a post game smile from Trebriel Larry of Western Oregon University's Football Team. Larry is a sophomore cornerback for Western Oregon.

Western Oregon's Football Team gathers on the sidelines to discuss defensive plays to attempt to beat Simon-Frazier University from British Columbia, Canada.  

Western Oregon University hands it off and runs this ball into the end zone to win this game, 27-16, on October 25th, 2014. 
Week 7 Forum:

TOPIC ONE: Action/Sports Photos

1. WHAT? The Western Oregon University football game!
2. WHEN AND WHERE? Western Oregon's Football field this weekend!
3. OVERALL: Whole team on the field
    CLOSE UP: I have to get creative with this one... I think I'll try to get one of the ball on the field but I'm not sure.
    MEDIUM: Medium shot of the game!
4. WHO? Trebriel Larry, a CB for the Western Oregon Football Team




Theater teacher Dan Stone did a camouflage makeover on a Linn Benton Community College employee's child for Haloween

Dan Stone works at his station, creating zombies and other Halloween creatures on peoples faces.

The Harvest Pie Festival is in full swing in the student union offices. Volunteers serve up a variety of pies ranging from apple, pumpkin to even pumpkin cheesecake. Student leaders handed out candy and dressed up in their favorite Halloween costumes.