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Albany, Oregon, United States

Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 5 Photos: Sara Gelser

Week 5 Photos:



State Senate Candidate Sara Gelser addresses students in a lecture hall at Linn Benton Community College on Wednesday, October 29th. 

Gelser answers questions from students in a Q & A session about a variety of topics, mainly measure 89. Measure 89 is to prevent gender-biased discrimination and equal work opportunities for men and women.

All of the lecture hall listens and focuses intently upon Sara Gelser's responses to their questions

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 5 Forum

Week 5 Forum:

Topic One: Favorite Photo Story

  1. My favorite photo story was Operation Lion Heart by Deanne Fitzmaurice for the San Francisco Chronicle. I liked these photos instantly because they were vibrant and seemed to tell the story all on their own. It's of a kid who was severely injured and impaired by an explosive device. The photos show just how lively his spirit is and that really caught my attention. The photos show just how much he lost and his experiences. 
  2. It doesn't straight up state two struggles the photographer had to endure in order to get the photo but it's obvious to me that the language barrier would be one of them. Saleh is from Iraq and only spoke Arabic upon his first arrival to the children's hospital in Oakland. I believe a second obstacle the photographer had to overcome was making Saleh a friend and making sure he was comfortable enough to have his photograph taken, even in sensitive times. 
  3. The theme of this photo story was not show how gruesome his injuries were, not how bad Iraq and the war is but to show an injured child and his recovery process from start to finish. The visual consistency in the photos is that they're always in vibrant color, mark a major step or struggle for Saleh and are usually focused on him, even when there are other people in the photos. The narrative of the photos is short but captures the who, what, when, where, why and how as well as explains his battle from start to finish.
  4. A technique I could use is her visual variety of shots for my own photo story. Her photos aren't all taken from the same angle yet always show the subject. She did a really good job of capturing amazing moments as well, like when he saw his mom for the first time in a year. I really enjoyed this and hope to incorporate it into some of my own photos.

Topic Two: Your Photo Story

  1. The first photo story I could do:
  • Who: My dad
  • What: Surprising people who give money to the homeless by giving back to them
  • When: Hopefully in November but possibly in December. However long it takes to collect donations
  • Where: Back home in downtown Portland!
In order to prepare for this, I will need to set up dates with my dad and figure out when we can shoot certain things. Documenting him would be a little hard because it's supposed to be a surprise but it's not that surprising if someone's around with a camera. That'll be something I have to think about how I'm going to go about doing. We also need to choose a good time to do it so the lighting is okay as well as a good place so I can hide.

    2.  The second photo story I could do:
  • Who: Cristina Scrivner and OSU's Lacrosse team
  • What: The team preparing for their season
  • When: This month as well as the following
  • Where: OSU lacrosse fields

In order to prepare for this shoot. I will need to find a lens that'll allow me to get a closer view of the players as well as practice my action photography. I need to think of a variety of shots that I can get so I'm not taking a picture of the same thing.    

Week 4 Forum

Week 4 Forum:

Topic One: NPPA Code of Ethics

  1. The code that stands out the most to me is the first rule. "Be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of subjects." I believe this is the most powerful one and most important because it's our job to report on accurate and CORRECT news that well represents the story. Missing pieces or leaving important parts out is lying. If you lie to you public, you can never establish credibility. 
  2. As far as the section "photojournalists should..", I like rule number six. It states, "Respect the integrity of the photographic moment". I like this rule a lot because I take it as you shouldn't doctor a photo to effect what it represents. Either you got a good shot or you didn't, you don't need to crop and frame it to what you need. You're not editing it to be something different either. I also think this means that you don't make it more than it was. Just report on the story. 
  3. An example of the ethics rule I chose would be the photo of Martin Luther King in Principals of Pixels. The published version of the photo wasn't an accurate representation of what he was doing in reality. 
Topic 2:

Two Photos I've enjoyed from other students:

     The first one I liked was by Cat of three students on a balcony. I really enjoyed this because I don't think the flares take away from the photo, I think they make a cool effect and the kids are perfectly positioned. I enjoyed the overall effect and look of this picture.
      The second one I liked a lot was one Trotchie took of Kelsi Moon drawing a guitar. I really enjoy the focus of this picture and how you can really see her face and what she's doing while the marker is just out of focus.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 4

The Environmental/Mug Shot 


Dual Enrolled student Jorge Banuelos sports his beaver gear in front of Linn Benton. Jorge takes both math 111 and writing 121 at Linn Benton. Jorge says maybe one day he'll become a doctor.

Mug Shot

OSU and Linn Benton student Jorge Banuelos smiles in a hallway at LBCC. Jorge is a chemistry major at Oregon State University. He is currently 18, a freshman and graduated from Philomath High School last year. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 3 Forum

Topic 1:
      1. For my portrait/mug shot, I can shoot my friend Jorge Banuelos or Tate Braunum

      2. Tate's claim to fame is that he's a Dutch Bros Broista and Jorge is a dually enrolled student.

      3. I could shoot Tate at his stand and I could shoot Jorge at either school.

      4. Props: dutch coffee cup, school supplies, OSU gear, Linn Benton gear

      5. I plan on contacting them through text.

Topic 2:

      1. My BEST PHOTO is my favorite photo, a picture of a closeup of a snail. I like it because I didn't have to edit it, the colors are really vibrant, it took me a million times to get the shot and I think the photo just works.

      2. My WORST PHOTO has to be the one I just took in the lab for my overall of the girls. I didn't like this because of the lighting and I think it's boring to look at.

     3. I need to get better at taking interesting overall photos. I have such a hard time tackling this but my overalls are usually plain and boring.

Week 3

Week 3

Did you know Linn Benton has a dental assisting program? More so, did you know they have to wear scrubs every day? I caught up with two students in the program studying for midterms.

Pictured above are Araceli Ayala and Nayeli Herrera, studying hard for their exam in the Learning Center's computer lab on October 21st.

Araceli Ayala studies the powerpoint and organizes her notes in the Linn Benton learning center computer lab. 

Nayeli is seen in the foreground, behind her dental model

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 2 Forum

Topic One

Finding Feature Photos:
  • Shoot from a unique vantage point- This one is the most doable to me because it's where I need the most improvement and I'll force myself to do it. I have a hard time getting interesting shots so I think this would help the most.
  • Examine extremes- I have a problem with this one as well. My photographs are usually taken from boring vantage points. I think it'd help to examine the extremes and explore new things.
     I plan on attacking the challenge of shooting from a unique vantage point. I plan on doing so by exploring new angles and taking lots of photos. I feel like the more photos I take from different angles, the more I'll be able to learn. It's all about experimenting to find what does and doesn't work. Another thing that'll help would be looking at other photographers pictures to see what worked for them and what didn't.  

Topic Two

Jesse Skoubo

The above photo was shot by Jesse Skoubo for The Gazette Times of Corvallis. It captures 4-year old Cardy, a Cardigan Welsh Corgi being brought in by his owner Andrew Moursund for the Blessing of the Animals at the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan. I picked this one because I like how it's a portrait but it was caught at a good angle. I love corgis so this photo sucked me in and with the way it was taken, you know it's going to be about something interesting. The techniques he used includes shooting from a side angle and the feature of the photo is off center but you can easily tell what the focus is. He didn't let the subject look at the camera but caught a ton of personality in the photo.

1.) How did discover you liked photography and how did you get into it?
2.) How hard is it to get into what you do? Was it easy or hard for you?

Friday, October 10, 2014

Talking Water Gardens

Week 2

      Talking Water Gardens is a man made natural solution to water treatment of the water of the Albany-Millersburg area. Talking Water was once the Simpson Company Timber Mill but closed in 1989. These engineered wetlands receive cleaned water from the treatment plant. Water cannot go directly from the treatment plant to the Willamette because the used water is too warm. In order to cool it down and further purify it, it travels through three sets of wetlands, each with three ponds each. The ponds range in one to five feet deep with natural vegetation to help purify and cool the water before being put back in the Willamette.   

 This is one of the first ponds that the water travels through on its journey. The water treatment facility can be seen in the background.

This weeping wall is actually a part of the old foundation of the loading dock.

This small snail feeds off of the algae in the duckweed.