Topic One: NPPA Code of Ethics
- The code that stands out the most to me is the first rule. "Be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of subjects." I believe this is the most powerful one and most important because it's our job to report on accurate and CORRECT news that well represents the story. Missing pieces or leaving important parts out is lying. If you lie to you public, you can never establish credibility.
- As far as the section "photojournalists should..", I like rule number six. It states, "Respect the integrity of the photographic moment". I like this rule a lot because I take it as you shouldn't doctor a photo to effect what it represents. Either you got a good shot or you didn't, you don't need to crop and frame it to what you need. You're not editing it to be something different either. I also think this means that you don't make it more than it was. Just report on the story.
- An example of the ethics rule I chose would be the photo of Martin Luther King in Principals of Pixels. The published version of the photo wasn't an accurate representation of what he was doing in reality.
Topic 2:
Two Photos I've enjoyed from other students:
The first one I liked was by Cat of three students on a balcony. I really enjoyed this because I don't think the flares take away from the photo, I think they make a cool effect and the kids are perfectly positioned. I enjoyed the overall effect and look of this picture.
The second one I liked a lot was one Trotchie took of Kelsi Moon drawing a guitar. I really enjoy the focus of this picture and how you can really see her face and what she's doing while the marker is just out of focus.
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